Expositions Palace


It will be the biggest construction of the enterprise, with 300 meters x 150 meters and 12 meters right foot. With capacity for 30.000 people, it will offer diverse events as mega shows, mega expositions, esportivos events, etc. One of the topos will count on one palco monumental for shows and spectacles.

Conventions Center Palace

To give to support the tourist structure it all exists a Conventions Center with the comfort and conditions for 3000 participants, with bar and restaurant with light and fast feeding.
Restaurant/Boate Palace


     Some restaurants will be constructed in diverse environments, with bars for light feeding and fast, this will be restaurant of the type "Fast Food". Boate is together to the restaurant and will have capacity for 1000 people.

Hall of show Palace


The great Hall of show Palace destine the small artistic spectacles, cultural activities, parades, small expositions.Has capacity for 1000 people, will have bar and a small restaurant for light and fast feeding

Luxury Restaurant Palace


    Luxury Restaurant Palace has some environments with small or bigger rooms, with terraces and varandas all the return. In the front, a decorative lake with sources gushing out water and in the lateral, a great swimming pool with cascade.

Palace Hotel



A horizontal hotel with about 200 apartments, with varandas privative and accesses will be constructed to the gardens and swimming pools. All the architecture will be inside of the same line. The hotel represented in the scale model without details architectural will be equal to the luxury restaurant.





To the long one of passarelas art galleries will be installed, boutiques, antiquários, workshops for courses of embroiderings, painting, sculpture, and others.






All the building will be linked for passarelas covered for bigger comfort of the freqüentadores protecting them of the sun and rain.


Panoramic terrace Palace

In the first floor vary store will be installed. The panoramic Terrace will give a general vision of the decorative lake and of the "Colunatas", it will have service of bar, light and fast feeding.

Tower Palace



The Tower Palace will have in its interior the high box water, in the superior part a mirante and top one mini astroroof. The architecture of the tower will remember the Tower of Steps on.






The enterprise will count on some estacionamentos in strategical places.



A heliport for this huge enterprise is foreseen.